Texas Tech Fight Song

Fight, Raiders, Fight! Fight, Raiders, Fight!
Fight for the school we love so dearly.
We'll hit'em high, we'll hit'em low.
We'll push the ball across the goal,
Tech, Fight! Fight!
We'll praise your name, boost you to fame.
Fight for the Scarlet and Black
We will hit'em, we will wreck'em.
Hit'em! Wreck'em, Texas Tech!
And the Victory Bells will ring out.

Written by, Carroll McMath




Matador Song

Fight, Matadors, for Tech!
Songs of love we'll sing to thee,
Bear our banners far and wide.
Ever to be our pride,

Fearless champions ever be.
Stand on heights of victory.
Strive for honor evermore...
Long live the Matadors!


Music by Harry Lemaire, words by R.C. Marshall